Posts Tagged ‘medical records’

Well hello all!  I’m sorry it’s been a while since my last post.  I am alive (which shocked me a bit when I woke up from the surgery, to be completely honest!). Surgery went “well”– 600g (1.32lb) were removed from my neck during the radically converted neck dissection.  I am now missing half of a […]

Another month has past, and I have still very little to write.  No, that’s not true.  So much, but so little courage to do so! Well, a few things have drastically changed in my life: first off, I’ve become much more aware of my iodine intake- my goal for the next few months is to […]

Quick Update


Sorry I’ve been absent recently!  I actually made another vlog, but the sound didn’t work and I didn’t have the time to re-record the video. Things have been going alright, I have been home for a while, recovering.  This round of treatment has been giving me more trouble than the first.  I’ve had some extreme […]

Well, got my labs and things back from the doctor– and we have a TSH of 0.2, FT4 of 29.0, FT3 of 6.1, and a detectable Tg… cute!  Somehow despite all of the good things with my TSH and T4, I still don’t feel great.  I’m still extremely tired and just feeling generally hypo.  Oh […]

I’ve been holding off on posting for a while, just until I could get my thoughts more centered– I’m not sure how centered they are now, but, ey, fuck it! So, here’s a little update on what’s been going on: I had an appointment with my german endocrinologist last Tuesday. (Just a little background, I […]