Posts Tagged ‘follicular carcinoma’

Well hello all!  I’m sorry it’s been a while since my last post.  I am alive (which shocked me a bit when I woke up from the surgery, to be completely honest!). Surgery went “well”– 600g (1.32lb) were removed from my neck during the radically converted neck dissection.  I am now missing half of a […]

Another month has past, and I have still very little to write.  No, that’s not true.  So much, but so little courage to do so! Well, a few things have drastically changed in my life: first off, I’ve become much more aware of my iodine intake- my goal for the next few months is to […]

Quick Update


Sorry I’ve been absent recently!  I actually made another vlog, but the sound didn’t work and I didn’t have the time to re-record the video. Things have been going alright, I have been home for a while, recovering.  This round of treatment has been giving me more trouble than the first.  I’ve had some extreme […]

Well, got my labs and things back from the doctor– and we have a TSH of 0.2, FT4 of 29.0, FT3 of 6.1, and a detectable Tg… cute!  Somehow despite all of the good things with my TSH and T4, I still don’t feel great.  I’m still extremely tired and just feeling generally hypo.  Oh […]

I’ve been holding off on posting for a while, just until I could get my thoughts more centered– I’m not sure how centered they are now, but, ey, fuck it! So, here’s a little update on what’s been going on: I had an appointment with my german endocrinologist last Tuesday. (Just a little background, I […]

I wrote a letter to my thyroid and it was published by DearThyroid earlier today.  Take a look!

Happy New Year!  I hope this one will be soooooooooooo much better than last– for everyone. I hope that the new year will be a cancer-free one, spent with a good TSH range, and minimal health problems! This commencement of a decade rises in my mind, something that will happen within this decade, something momentous […]

 Thyroid diseases and thyroid cancers are fun, right? Unfortunately not; they deeply affect us as patients and our families, indelibly leaving an imprint on our minds, bodies and souls. None of it is easy. If we’re going to bring awareness to this disease, we have to come together as a family. Our collective voices […]



Today is funny… not funny good or funny bad– but just funny.  I went to bed a bit before 1am last night, and woke up around 4am in a really bad night sweat, only to realize that I had a fever and that it took all of the energy my recent sleep had collected, to […]

Also, I noticed that that little speck next to my scar, on the right hand side on the picture, is actually where the end of my stitches is… it’s where there was a wee thinger hanging out while the tape was on it… and probably the reason for my thyknife!  Anyway, just an observation!