Posts Tagged ‘thyroid cancer’

Also, I noticed that that little speck next to my scar, on the right hand side on the picture, is actually where the end of my stitches is… it’s where there was a wee thinger hanging out while the tape was on it… and probably the reason for my thyknife!  Anyway, just an observation!

Well hello there from Heidelberg! Sorry for the lack of recent updates– I’ve been trying to settle in, dealing with german bureaucracy, celebrating holidays, starting a new job, and adjusting to the time change. Here’s my thyroid cancer update: Here, just to fill you all in: I went to the ENT surgeon before I left […]

I can’t even begin to explain how furious I am with UPMC’s idiotic and disorganized endocrine group!  Last Thursday I called the office explaining that I needed to have labs done before the weekend and that I would like to do them at the hospital near me, and I asked if they would fax them […]

A whopping $51,506.50!!! Damn. (10/28/09 is the date of administration or “service” as it says on the bill) Hell, cancer’s expensive.

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Well, I’ve decided that since my blog has had over a couple thousand hits in the past month and a half, I ask out of pure curiosity, who are you?  Feel free to either comment on this post or email me (– ask me questions, tell me about yourself, rant about your thyroid condition!  Tell […]

Well, there is some legitimate stress in my life right now, but I’m going to attribute the excruciating headaches, sensitivity to comments/situations, and dry skin to becoming hypothyroid… which I am not happy about at all.  I don’t mean to be harsh, but I feel like shit and I’m quite down.  I found myself breaking […]

Well, there’s not much new on my side… just been working a bit, preparing for my return to Heidelberg (yay!) on December 11th!  I am trying to collect pieces of Pittsburgh and of things that make me feel at home as well as things from my friends to bring back with me. I have a […]

Well, sorry I’ve abandoned the blog for a few days– last Thursday night after I came home I snuggled into my bed, pulled the laptop on to the covers and felt an excruciating pain in my jaw.  My right submandibular salivary gland was huge and painful and pressing both on my jaw and on the […]